Thursday, 7 August 2014

When God is in the saddle

When God is in everything, everything is beautiful.

Some of my friends who aren't believers may disagree with me on this.  

Some, though happily not too many, have even told me so in no uncertain terms. 

If my posts and words of spiritual encouragement awaken in you feelings of anger and resentment then this is a clear sign to you about an uneasiness within your own life.  As I said to one friend, "if you don't like my posts then why do you read them?"  And if she didn't want to see them at all then surely she could "unfriend" me.  

If you are true to your unbelief then my words, my posts, my story, will not will not affect you.

A few days ago I received a large helping of criticism and negativity.  For twenty four hours I allowed myself to focus on these words before I was taken to task by the Holy Spirit who thankfully, is never far from my side.  

These thoughts, these criticisms were not from God, and when you allow yourself to fix your gaze on such things then your words, your actions, your emotions will reflect your own vision.

But if you allow yourself to keep your eyes on God and rely on Jesus and His Holy Spirit to lead you in all things then it is impossible to remain in a negative place.

So, mainly for the benefit of my non believing friends I just want to share with you how keeping my sights set on Jesus changed not only my work and family life but the way I rode my horse.

Since finding my faith in our precious Saviour, Jesus Christ, my whole demeanour has changed to one of peace and stillness.  Yes I still burn with the same lively and energetic flame of passion but I have an inner calm, and it's this calmness which has transferred to my horse, Woody.  For anyone who enjoys schooling their horse and developing a true relationship with their four legged athletic friends this little message will ring true because with horses, as in all things, you reap what you sow.

Woody and I have many shared traits, that's what attracted me to this crazy little horse in the first place.  But now my equine tiger has become stiller and more connected with what I'm asking him to do.  His over exuberant willingness to please, that can often turn into nervous hysterics, has become channelled and focused with the result that we have started to work as a real partnership.  

My riding instructor Anki Holstrom gave me the ultimate compliment before we both went away for the summer, stating that she now believed I could ride any horse.  Anyone who knows Anki will be aware that this kind of compliment does not come readily, and what's more, Anki has even acknowledged the fact that it is since I "found God", as she so aptly put it, that my riding skills and my relationship with horses has so dramatically improved.  I no longer suffer from the "electric seat", that plagues so many riders.

So if you want to improve your riding, invite God into the saddle.  It will definitely change you for the better.

And if you're thinking "I'm an atheist, I don't need God, I'm doing fine on my own".

You may well be but you could do better, and I always like to simplify the whole belief thing with a little anecdotal evidence.

We all have one thing in common - we're all going to die.  

One day our time here on earth will finish and we can never know when that will be.

When the fateful time comes and you discover that God is real the question will be "did you believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?"

If so then the gates of heaven will be opened unto you.
If not then well, we all know what it written.

If the time comes and nothing happens. No God, no heaven, just a blank void, then we both lose.

There is nothing to gain in unbelief, there is everything to gain through faith in Jesus Christ.

So therefore, if you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you want to do so now you can just ask Him into your life by praying this simple prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, 

I believe You are the Son of the one true God who died on the cross so that my sins would be forgiven. I know I am a sinner and I ask You to forgive me. I turn away from my sins and receive You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You for saving me. I want to live for You for the rest of my life.  
Please change my life and show me how to know You.

In Jesus' name. 

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