Saturday, 26 July 2014


Bubbles are amazing!

They look so perfect, dancing wild and free on the breeze.
Little balls of delight reflecting their surroundings with a transparent and translucent beauty.
They rise and fall on the wind's breath only to disappear as soon as you touch them.  

Are the bubbles real I used to ask myself?  How can anything exist for so short a time, created perfect only to be snuffed out in an instance?

One might say that a bubble is just like a dream, or a special moment in time.  You can see it for a little while, touch it almost.  And yet, the minute you do, it vanishes as if it never existed.  But in your mind you know it was real, the memory will last forever.  Just like those special times in your life that exist for just a few moments but can be relived again and again.

In God's infinite universe we are like these bubbles, created perfect, reflecting the image of our Lord only to exist as visible entities for a minuscule amount of time before joining Him in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

So maybe bubbles never really die, it's just that we can only see their beauty for a few seconds.  And yet they leave their image ingrained on our hearts.  It only takes a few moments to be inspired by their mystery, their magic, their serenity.

To me bubbles represent the innocence of childhood, the endless possibility of the imagination.  
As I said before, a bubble is like a dream and the imagination is where dreams are made.  Let your imagination run wild, just like a child would.  

Let your mind dare to dream, to invite the impossible, the unimaginable.  

Be inspired.

This post was inspired by a game that I was playing with my son only this afternoon.  We should all play with bubbles, it's a very liberating experience.  I found myself gazing at them wondering why the big bubbles floated up to the sky whilst the little ones fell to the ground....

Hmmm..... the childlike nature of the game had obviously given me the mind of a three year old.  Fortunately my Mum overheard my innocent ponderings and answered with the wisdom of a well wizened bubble mistress claiming that the small bubbles were heavier because they had less air inside and more bubble mixture relatively speaking whereas the bigger ones had a greater proportion of air to bubble mixture.  Excellent explanation but it did kind of burst my bubble so to speak.

Children are always intrigued by bubbles and will spend hours chasing after them and trying to catch them and my son Xavier is no different from any other three year old boy.  In this classic game I was the bubble maker, blowing through the narrow opening and breathing life into these little splashes of brilliance, waving the bubble stick through the air like a magic wand whilst my little boy ducked and dived like willow the wisp in a futile attempt to hold on to their watery magic.  

When I think of the thousands of bubbles created in the space of thirty minutes for the enjoyment of one small boy I marvel again at how God created all of us with the soul purpose to love Him and glorify Him. And when we couldn't obey His laws and live in righteousness he sent His only Son to die for our sins that we might be forgiven and be made righteous through the precious blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

So when we are questioning our purpose in life we should remember this.  We are here just because our gracious and loving Father wants us here, so everything we do should honour and glorify Him.

Dear Lord in heaven above,

You are a most gracious and glorious God.  You were here since time began, you separated the waters from the waters, you opened your mouth and breathed out creation, you keep watch over our every need and protect us whenever we call your name.  You so loved the world that you sent your only Son to save us and wash away our sins.

We are so unworthy Lord, we offer you a constant stream of praise and thanksgiving for your perfect sacrifice.  We give ourselves to you Lord, we surrender everything to you as you have promised to prosper us and not to harm us.  We trust that you will work everything for good for those who love you and that when we confess our sins to you will will be purified from all unrighteousness.  

Thank you for making me righteousness through Jesus Christ our Saviour, our Redeemer who paid the price for our sins.  
Thank you for calling me according to your purpose.  
Thank you for the blessings in abundance that you have stored for me in your heavenly Kingdom.  
Thank you that I can cast all my anxiety on to you and that you will be a lamp to my feet at all times.  
Thank you for keeping me in perfect peace when all around me is a sea of trouble.
Thank you for the miracles you perform in my life each day and for strengthening my faith so that I am able to stand set apart from the rest with you by my side.
Thank you for your abiding love and for giving me a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind.
Thank you for the mighty trust that you have placed in me and the wonderful gifts that you have bestowed on me to use for your glory.  
Thank you for the joy of motherhood and for entrusting me with one of your own dear children to love and cherish.
Thank you that you know my heart and that you hear my prayers even when I don't know the words.  You know my every need, my every desire before I even speak, before I even think, before I even form the prayer in my mind.

Oh Lord, in these times of trouble when all the world is being swallowed up in a sea of antipathy towards what is true and righteous, preserve us your children, save us from reticence and the engulfing concerns of the world.  Fix our gaze on higher things, not on what is seen but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.  That we might focus our lives on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our salvation  

In His Holy Name I pray,


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